




構成情報を変更しても、構成キャッシュを再ロードしない限り、その構成情報がSwarmで使用されることはありません。構成キャッシュを再ロードすると、変更した構成情報がSwarmで強制的に使用されます。Swarm構成キャッシュを再ロードするには、admin ユーザまたはsuper ユーザでなくてはなりません。[ユーザID]ドロップダウンメニューに移動して[システム情報]を選択し、[キャッシュ情報]タブをクリックしてから[構成の再ロード]ボタンボタンをクリックします。

return array(
'activity' => array(
'ignored_users' => array(
'archives' => array(
'max_input_size' => 512 * 1024 * 1024, // 512M (in bytes)
'archive_timeout' => 1800, // 30 minutes
'compression_level' => 1, // 0-9
'cache_lifetime' => 60 * 60 * 24, // 1 day
'attachments' => array(
'max_file_size' => 0, // the maximum file size to accept in bytes
'avatars' => array(
'http_url' => 'http://www.gravatar.com/avatar/{hash}?s={size}&d={default}',
'https_url' => 'https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/{hash}?s={size}&d={default}',
'comments' => array(
'notification_delay_time' => 1800, //Default to 30 minutes 1800 seconds
'threading' => array(
'max_depth' => 4, // default depth 4, to disable comment threading set to 0
'depot_storage' => array(
'base_path' => '//depot_name',
'diffs' => array(
'max_diffs' => 1500,
'environment' => array(
'mode' => 'production',
'hostname' => 'myswarm.hostname',
'external_url' => null,
'base_url' => null,
'logout_url' => null, // defaults to null
'vendor' => array(
'emoji_path' => 'vendor/gemoji/images',
'files' => array(
'max_size' => 1048576,
'download_timeout' => 1800, 'allow_edits' => true, // default is true
), 'groups' => array( 'super_only' => true, // ['true'|'false'] default value is 'false' ), 'http_client_options' => array(
'timeout' => 10, // default value is 10 seconds 'sslcapath' => '', // path to the SSL certificate directory 'sslcert' => '', // the path to a PEM-encoded SSL certificate 'sslpassphrase' => '', // the passphrase for the SSL certificate file
'hosts' => array(), // optional, per-host overrides. Host as key, array options as values ), 'jira' => array( 'host' => '', // URL for your installed Jira web interface 'api_host' => '', // URL for Jira API access, 'host' is used for Jira API access if 'api_host' is not set
'user' => '', // the username required for Jira API access 'password' => '', // the password required for Jira API access
'job_field' => '', // optional, if P4DTG is replicating Jira issue IDs to a job field, list that field here 'link_to_jobs' => false, // set to true to enable Perforce job links in Jira, P4DTG and job_field required 'delay_job_links' => 60, // delay in seconds, defaults to 60 seconds 'relationship' => '', // Jira subsection name links are added to defaults to empty, links added to the "links to" subsection ), 'log' => array(
'priority' => 3, // 7 for max, defaults to 3
'reference_id' => false // defaults to false
'mail' => array(
// 'recipients' => array('user@my.domain'),
'notify_self' => false,
'transport' => array(
'host' => 'my.mx.host',
'markdown' => array(
'markdown' => 'safe', // default is 'safe' 'disabled'|'safe'|'unsafe'
), 'mentions' => array( 'mode' => 'global', 'user_exclude_list' => array('super', 'swarm-admin'), 'group_exclude_list' => array('testers', 'writers'), // defaults to empty ), 'menu_helpers' => array( 'MyMenu01' => array( // A short recognizable name for the menu item 'id' => 'custom01', // A unique id for the menu item. If not included in the array, parent array name is used. 'enabled' => true, // ['true'|'false'] 'true' makes the menu item visible. 'true' is the default if not included in the array. 'target' => '/module/MyMenuItem/', // The URL or custom module route a menu click takes you to. // If not included in array, id is used. If id not included, parent array name is used. 'cssClass' => 'custom_menu', // The custom CSS class name added to the menu item, appended to h2.menu- in Swarm CSS 'title' => 'MyMenuItem', // The text that will be shown on the button. // If not included in array, id is used. If id not included, parent array name is used. 'class' => '', // If not included in array or empty, the menu item is added to the main menu. // To add the menu item to the project menu for all of the projects, set to '\Projects\Menu\Helper\ProjectContextMenuHelper' 'priority' => 155, // The position the menu item is displayed at in the menu. // If not included in the array, the menu item is placed at the bottom of the menu. 'roles' => null, // ['null'|'authenticated'|'admin'|'super'] If not included in the array, null is the default // Specifies the minimum level of Perforce user that can see the menu item. // 'authenticated' = any authorized user, 'null' = unauthenticated users ), ), 'notifications' => array(
'honor_p4_reviews' => false,
'opt_in_review_path' => '//depot/swarm',
'disable_change_emails' => false,
'p4' => array(
'port' => 'my-helix-core-server:1666',
'user' => 'admin_userid',
'password' => 'admin user ticket or password',
'sso' => 'disabled', // ['disabled'|'optional'|'enabled'] default value is 'disabled' 'proxy_mode' => true, // defaults to true
'slow_command_logging' => array(
10 => array('print', 'shelve', 'submit', 'sync', 'unshelve'),
'max_changelist_files' => 1000,
'auto_register_url' => true,
'projects' => array(
'mainlines' => array(
'stable', 'release', // 'main', 'mainline', 'master', and 'trunk' are hardcoded, there is no need to add them to the array
'add_admin_only' => false,
'add_groups_only' => array(),
'edit_name_admin_only' => false,
'edit_branches_admin_only' => false,
'readme_mode' => 'enabled',
'fetch' => array('maximum' => 0), // defaults to 0 (disabled)
'allow_view_settings' => false, // defaults to false
), 'queue' => array( 'workers' => 3, // defaults to 3 'worker_lifetime' => 595, // defaults to 10 minutes (less 5 seconds) 'worker_task_timeout' => 1800, // defaults to 30 minutes 'worker_memory_limit' => '1G', // defaults to 1 gigabyte ), 'redis' => array( 'options' => array( 'password' => null, // Defaults to null 'namespace' => 'Swarm', 'server' => array( 'host' => 'localhost', // Defaults to 'localhost' or enter your Redis server hostname 'port' => '7379', // Defaults to '7379' or enter your Redis server port ), ), 'items_batch_size' => 100000, 'check_integrity' => '03:00', // Defaults to '03:00' Use one of the following options: //'HH:ii' (24 hour format with leading zeros), the time the integrity check starts each day // positive integer, the time between integrity checks in seconds. '0' = integrity check disabled 'population_lock_timeout' => 300, // Timeout for initial cache population. Defaults to 300 seconds. ), 'reviews' => array(
'patterns' => array(
'octothorpe' => array( // #review or #review-1234 with surrounding whitespace/eol
'regex' => '/(?P<pre>(?:\s|^)\(?)\#(?P<keyword>review|append|replace)(?:-(?P<id>[0-9]+))?(?P<post>[.,!?:;)]*(?=\s|$))/i',
'spec' => '%pre%#%keyword%-%id%%post%',
'insert' => "%description%\n\n#review-%id%",
'strip' => '/^\s*\#(review|append|replace)(-[0-9]+)?(\s+|$)|(\s+|^)\#(review|append|replace)(-[0-9]+)?\s*$/i',
'leading-square' => array( // [review] or [review-1234] at start
'regex' => '/^(?P<pre>\s*)\[(?P<keyword>review|append|replace)(?:-(?P<id>[0-9]+))?\](?P<post>\s*)/i',
'spec' => '%pre%[%keyword%-%id%]%post%',
), 'trailing-square' => array( // [review] or [review-1234] at end
'regex' => '/(?P<pre>\s*)\[(?P<keyword>review|append|replace)(?:-(?P<id>[0-9]+))?\](?P<post>\s*)?$/i',
'spec' => '%pre%[%keyword%-%id%]%post%',
'filters' => array( 'filter-max' => 15,
'result_sorting' => true,
'date_field' => 'updated', // 'created' displays and sorts by created date, 'updated' displays and sorts by last updated
), 'cleanup' => array( 'mode' => 'user', // auto - follow default, user - present checkbox(with default)
'default' => false, // clean up pending changelists on commit
'reopenFiles' => false, // re-open any opened files into the default changelist
), 'statistics' => array( 'complexity' => array( 'calculation' => 'default', // 'default|disabled' 'high' => 300, 'low' => 30 ), ),
'commit_timeout' => 1800, // 30 minutes
'disable_commit' => true,
'moderator_approval' => 'any', // 'any|each'
'disable_self_approve' => false,
'end_states' => array('archived', 'rejected', 'approved:commit'),
'disable_approve_when_tasks_open' => false,
'process_shelf_delete_when' => array(),
'commit_credit_author' => true,
'ignored_users' => array(),
'unapprove_modified' => true,
'allow_author_change' => true,
'allow_author_obliterate' => false,
'sync_descriptions' => true,
'expand_all_file_limit' => 10,
'expand_group_reviewers' => false,
'more_context_lines' => 10, // defaults to 10 lines
'search' => array(
'maxlocktime' => 5000, // 5 seconds, in milliseconds
'p4_search_host' => '', // optional URL to Helix Search Tool
'security' => array(
'disable_system_info' => false,
'email_restricted_changes' => false,
'emulate_ip_protections' => true,
'https_port' => null,
'https_strict' => false,
'https_strict_redirect' => true,
'require_login' => true, 'prevent_login' => array( 'service_user1', 'service_user2', ),
'session' => array(
'cookie_lifetime' => 0, // lifetime in seconds, default value is 0=expire when browser closed
'remembered_cookie_lifetime' => 60*60*24*30, // lifetime in seconds, default value is 30 days
'gc_maxlifetime' => 60*60*24*30, // lifetime in seconds, default value is 30 days
'gc_divisor' => 100, // 100 user requests
'short_links' => array(
'hostname' => 'myho.st',
'external_url' => 'https://myho.st:port/sub-folder',
), 'tag_processor' => array( 'tags' => array( 'wip' => '/(^|\s)+#wip($|\s)+/i' ), ), 'test_definitions' => array(
'project_and_branch_separator' => ':',
), 'translator' => array( 'detect_locale' => true, 'locale' => array("en_GB", "en_US"), 'translation_file_patterns' => array(), 'non_utf8_encodings' => array('sjis', 'euc-jp', 'windows-1252'), 'utf8_convert' => true, ),
'upgrade' => array(
'status_refresh_interval' => 10, //Refresh page every 10 seconds
'batch_size' => 1000, //Fetch 1000 reviews to lower memory usage
), 'users' => array( 'dashboard_refresh_interval' => 300000, //Default 300000 milliseconds 'display_fullname' => false, 'settings' => array( 'review_preferences' => array( 'show_comments_in_files' => true, 'view_diffs_side_by_side' => true, 'show_space_and_new_line_characters' => false, 'ignore_whitespace' => false, ), 'time_preferences' => array( 'display' => 'Timeago', // Default to 'Timeago' but can be set to 'Timestamp' ), ), ), 'workflow' => array( 'enabled' => true, // Switches the workflow feature on. Default is true ), 'xhprof' => array( 'slow_time' => 3, 'ignored_routes' => array('download', 'imagick', 'libreoffice', 'worker'), ), 'saml' => array(...), );
